Thursday, May 24, 2007


Okay ... I am in love with Macarons. Not the coconut ones (or as my sweet 6 year old friend M. calls them ... "the American ones"), instead the actual French ones! I am trying to master the recipe for M.'s sister's tea party next week & as you will see from this photo .. I have a lot of work ahead of me. Mine actually look like Driedels! Let me tell you, looks are deceiving as these babies - ROCKED and they received more compliments from my astounding taste panel than I have ever had! I used three recipes for them & varied them a bit: The actual cookie part - I used the Basic Macaron Recipe and flavored with almond extract. AS well I ground my own almonds. The filling, I used two different ones: a Blood Orange Curd & an Italian Buttercream (flavored with Vanilla Beans). A BIG THANK YOU to those of you who inspired me!!!

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